
#1 Positioning education program in the world,

changing the approach to business, strategy, marketing and sales.

positioning institute

positioning institute

of positioning theory

55 451 +

introduced to positioning


our clients represent


education formats


Find the ground

for your company's future

Find a straight path

to customer perception


the race

Trials and errors
for business development
Endless fight
for each client
between generics
Give your customers
reason to choose you
A clear plan
for leadership in your niche
customer choice
unattainable for competitors



Specialised educational program on Positioning.
Everything you need to know for managing a critical business asset.
Formalised results
Tools for analysis and Positioning development.
Описание целевой аудитории:
  • наиболее выгодная целевая аудитория;
  • ключевые мотивы и критерии выбора;
  • механизм принятия решения о покупке.
Карта рынка
Описание конкурентов глазами вашего клиента – от кого необходимо отстроиться в сознании целевой аудитории:
  • прямые конкуренты, их сильные и слабые стороны;
  • косвенные конкуренты в альтернативных и смежных сегментах;
  • дженерики и глобальные конкуренты.
Тренды индустрии
Ключевые изменения, которые станут драйверами рынка:
  • аналитика трендов в индустрии и за ее пределами;
  • ключевые угрозы и возможности для компании;
  • чек-лист реакции на изменения.


Description of the target audience:

  • The most profitable target audience;
  • Key motivation and perception patterns;
  • Decision-making process.

Market map

Description of competitors from your customer perspective:

  • Direct competitors, their strengths and weaknesses;
  • Indirect competitors in alternative and related segments;
  • Generics and global competitors.

Industry Trends

Changes that will drive the market:

  • Analytics of trends in the industry and beyond;
  • Key threats and opportunities for the company;
  • A checklist of reactions to changes.


What a company can pretend to, based on its resources:

  • A fair view of business opportunities;
  • Value creation-potential assessment;
  • A checklist of Positioning attainability.
Intangible results
Competencies for implementation and positioning management.
Позиционирующее мышление
Аналитический взгляд – какая позиция является наиболее выгодной на рынке.
  • умение просчитать финансовую выгоду от каждой возможной позиции;
  • умение определить достижимые для компании позиции;
  • умение анализировать позиции конкурентов.
Принципы внедрения
Процессы и принципы управления стратегическим позиционированием организации:
  • анализ стратегических разрывов в восьми ключевых отделах компании;
  • выстраивание омниканальных коммуникаций с клиентом;
  • формирование positioning driven processes внутри компании.
Эволюция позиционирования
Эволюция позиционирования
  • долгосрочная стратегия, устойчивая к кризису и турбулентности;
  • пошаговый путь к самым выгодным позициям на рынке;
  • развитие активов на основе сотрудничества и управления нематериальными знаниевыми активами.

Positioning thinking

Analytical view on profitability of positions:

  • Calculation of financial benefit from each possible position;
  • Determination of achievability of positions for the company;
  • Analysis of competitors’ positions.

Implementation principles

Processes and principles for strategic positioning management:

  • Strategic gaps analysis in eight key company’s departments;
  • Building omnichannel communications with the client;
  • Positioning-driven processes formation.

The evolution of positioning

Repositioning in response to market changes and the company’s assets development:

  • Resistible long-term strategy development;
  • A step-by-step path to the most advantageous positions in the market;
  • Asset development based on collaboration and intangible knowledge assets management.
Sign up for diagnostics to participate in the program
Individual interview with a program expert.
30-minute dialogue in which you:
identify key program modules for your company;
select the team for the program;
get answers to your questions.
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Wherever the problem of choice arises, the answer is Positioning.
Where to work?
With whom to collaborate?
What to buy?
Whom to support?
Why should customers, partners, suppliers and employees prefer you to your competitors?
Positioning is the cornerstone in the Problem of choice,
affecting key business performance indicators.
Without positioning:
  • Dumping
  • Comparison by price
  • Margin disappears
With positioning:
  • Command the price
  • Comparison by Value
  • Margin raises
Without positioning:
  • Hard to sell
  • One-night customers
  • Marketing costs
With positioning:
  • Product sells itself
  • Lifetime customers
  • Customers recommendations
Without positioning:
  • Hard to recruit
  • Employees are demanding
  • Employees conflict
With positioning:
  • Queues of talents
  • Employees are committed
  • Employees collaborate
Without positioning:
  • Giants own the market
  • You are in the passenger seat
  • Competitive bloodshed
With positioning:
  • You own your niche
  • You are behind the wheel
  • Collaborative ecosystems
Assess your positioning potential
Find out how it may work for you
Choose where to begin:
Read the books by Jack Trout and his partners.
Pass the online course “Positioning Potential”.
The new course 2023. The course is released in English, Chinese and Russian. The release in German, Spanish and Portuguese will take place in 2024.
Experience the “Master of Positioning” program.
Join our next event:
"Trout Prize" global award
The new course 2023.
The course is released in English, Chinese and Russian. The release in German, Spanish and Portuguese will take place in 2024.

online course


Business competitive potential audit.
Your first step for positioning thinking.

16 lessons available on the online platform

1 person

4 hours

Access to a database of frequently asked questions on the positioning;

Possibility to ask questions on methodology to Trout and Partners experts in text format;

700 USD

* The course price is included in the offset when paying for more expensive programs.

16 занятий доступные на онлайн-платформе
1 человек
4 часа
Trout and Partners recommend starting with this course. The first lesson is free and available now.
Watch the cases of companies practicing positioning.
Trout and Partners case studies, including the most relevant, are revealed in the "Master of Positioning" program.
Start the "Positioning analysis" now.
The first lesson is available for free.
Jack’s initiative
We are the initiative of Trout and Partners, a company founded by the famous Jack Trout. Over the 50 years of his career, Jack had more than 50 partners, but the purpose of his work always remained the same — the study and the development of positioning knowledge. These days, with more partners coming in, each with his own contribution to the mutual business, we deeply collaborate on further development of Positioning Discipline and Positioning Knowledge Assets (such as methodology, case studies etc).
Collaboration heritage helps POSITIONING INSTITUTE to be the single source positioning expert
We do this as a community joined by the single culture, because the collaborative model of business development was Jack Trout’s original choice. That is why he named his company “Trout and Partners”. We stick to this principle, because, as proven by time, it is sharing of knowledge within the highly professional community in the atmosphere of mutual trust and reciprocity that makes any science, any discipline progress. Thus, we call ourselves the Positioning Institute. Thanks to the combination of best positioning knowledge and collaborative technology we are the only body that possesses all 100% expertise in Positioning, from the original assets to the latest knowledge, spanned across many industries, territories and business environments.
Positioning is a way of doing business

These days, we continue to focus on the tasks of further development of Positioning Discipline and explaining its importance to business. If “LIFE is a mode of existence of protein bodies” then “Positioning is a way of doing business”. Positioning, once you step on this path, should lead the strategy of your whole business, not just marketing or advertising.

Collaboration or Competition?..

And as in life: you either compete with someone or make friends with someone, you either eat someone (and run away from those who liked to eat you) or you breed with someone, — in business, you also have a choice between competition and collaboration. 

Through competition, we conquer assets. It is important but they are finite. Through collaboration we, together with our partners, create, develop and share a potentially infinite number of assets.

… you need positioning for both!

Well, both those kinds of relationships are important. And both involve the solution of the ‘problem of choice’ to succeed. The truth is that Positioning, being the best tool to tackle the problem of choice, is the basis for both. Having the best possible Position makes you both compete and collaborate the most effective way. Which means that you will have access to the best Assets, from monetary to intangible, and an endless opportunity to develop them.

Modern positioning of positioning

Positioning is your go-to concept and way for directing any kind of functional strategies of your company (product, marketing, sales, r&d, etc) and all the relationships with other subjects in your market: customers, competitors, partners, suppliers etc. This is the modern understanding and the modern “positioning of positioning” that you are very welcome to explore with us, in our Positioning Institute.

TroutPrize award ceremony
VIII TroutPrize award ceremony will take place at the Hilton Leningradskaya on December 7, 2023, at 5:00 pm in Moscow.

TroutPrize is an annual award for progressive entrepreneurs who develop industries and successfully implement the principles of positioning in their companies. The award is organized by Trout & Partners, founded by Jack Trout, the author of the positioning concept and an internationally recognized outstanding market strategist. The strategic partners of the award are Marketing Guild and Imperia Forum.

The award winners are such companies as World Class, Bukvoed, Simple Group, Adamas, Harat's, 33 Penguins, European Legal Service and other market drivers who occupy leading positions in their industries.
Why doesn't everyone use positioning?
  1. It’s not easy.

    1. Universities don’t pay attention to it. They teach only basic curriculum.
    2. Philip Kotler’s «Marketing Essentials» has only two pages devoted to positioning.
    3. Peter Drucker only outlined the questions that positioning provides answers to: «What is our business? What will it be? What should it be?»
For 54 years, companies have used positioning at the heart of their strategy.

Companies gain a non-patentable advantage leading to first places in product categories.

Positioning thinking

Conscious company management based on the ideas of authoritative experts: Jack Trout, Al Rice, Philip Kotler, Michael Porter, Peter Drucker, Simon Sinek, Ron Young and Arthur Shelley, who contributed to positioning theory.

В 2023 году мы представили рынку онлайн-курс, реализованный на английском, китайском, русском языках.
Релиз курсов на немецком, испанском и португальском языках состоится в 2024 году.
В 2022 году вышла книга «Новая эра позиционирования», тираж которой уже превысил 50.000 копий. Релиз книги на русском языке назначен на конец 2023 года.
Все наши книги по теме позиционирования:

Learn the fundamental Positioning principles
in books of Jack Trout, the author of positioning theory.
Learn how Positioning unfolds in a new business era

in the book by Deng Delong, president of Trout and Partners Global, a Chinese philosopher.

Practicing Positioning you change your thinking.
You see all the possible peaks you can conquer.

positioning institute

positioning institute

positioning tools

Systematization of marketing information.

Decisions about target audiences, asset development, competitors and partners.


of doing business

Error-free positioning check-up, development and implementation.

Collaborative and competitive strategy.


Community of
successful entrepreneurs

Exchange the knowledge
with those who implement positioning successfully.

Co-create unique collaborations within different industries.

Learn Positioning today.
The first lesson is available for free.

В 2023 году мы представили рынку онлайн-курс, реализованный на английском, китайском, русском языках.
Релиз курсов на немецком, испанском и португальском языках состоится в 2024 году.
В 2022 году вышла книга «Новая эра позиционирования», тираж которой уже превысил 50.000 копий. Релиз книги на русском языке назначен на конец 2023 года.
Все наши книги по теме позиционирования:


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12-недельная программа для собственника бизнеса и его команды

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